PUBLIC, PRIVATE? IS THAT A DOMAIN TOO? Yes but there's a 3 new ones you got to know about! - INFOGRAPHICS OF 3 LEARNING DOMAINS


    It's pretty much imprinted in our minds that sometimes the heart does not agree with the mind, and sometimes, even the body fights with them too. This has been a topic for many years and now, we're here to discuss it. 

    There are three (3) domains of learning. One aspect is all about knowledge and the act of thinking, that domain is called COGNITIVE. Another domain is about feelings and emotions, it's all about what the heart wants, this one is called AFFECTIVE. Finally, the last domain contains skills and physical action, which is called PSYCHOMOTOR

    If you were from my school, it would be something you might be familiar with just because of the university's hymn. "Training the mind and the heart, and the hand." Indeed, it's probably hinting to the 3 domains of learning.

    Long story short, I've made an infographics to teach you, my lovely reader, the difference of each domain. You can see it below~

    I've explained it in the briefest way possible while also being clear about its differences. I've also put some icons and small pictures as examples to further accentuate the comparisons. I hope that you've learned from my infographics!

    Until next time! Thank you.


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