
Showing posts from April 23, 2021

✿ Exercise 7 - Portfolio Cover Graphic Design ✿

H E L L O!       For the next project of the 7th week, we were now tasked to do an portfolio cover graphic design . I did my own face to show that I am the creator and that this is my cover for my portfolio. I just thought of this after reading some manga in my free time.     My theme is "manga" or "comics" which is quite unique in my opinion. I think this is something fitting for a book or a website for comics. It definitely catches attention and also pretty cool and pleasing to the eye.   Now, let's talk about the principles I used within Typography.   H IERARCHY  - Notice how I make the main text bigger and in the center. This is also under my drawn picture to show that this is me, and under that is what I want my position to be known as. When a person sees what I do and the overall design, it is already given what this design is about. It's about show casing what I can do, and this is just the surface. Around that, I included different drawings and angle