✿ Week 13 - PrinciplesMultimediaDesign by Mateo ✿
A pleasant day to everyone! It's me again, Nina, and here is our activity for this week under Introduction to MMA. It is a graphic design so I had the idea to make an Infographic about our course, Multimedia Arts. The goal was to try and encourage others to enroll under MMA. An extra thing we have to keep in mind while making this was to make sure that we include the principles of multimedia design, hence the title. I decided to make this Infographic with the idea of the following principles: Less is More - I made sure to use only a few variables and imitate a digital drawing application. I made sure that the words are also concise to save space and not have it too crowded. Doing so will result in the Infographic to look more like a collage. Coherence Principle - To e...