✿ History of Graphic Design: Activity 9 - Pictorial Modernism/Cubism Poster ✿
H E L L O! For the last week of midterms for activities, we were assigned to do Modern Cubism. We could do a poster that shows off nationalism or anything that is related to being a proud Filipino. Here is my entry for this week. As usual, all I used is my computer, my VEIKK A50 graphics tablet and Paint Tool SAI version 2. Earlier, I got disconnected for a few minutes so I almost didn't get the topic. However, with enough knowledge, I have decided to apply all the knowledge I gained. I actually did two posters but the first one did not feel as if it was conveying nationalism so I scrapped it and redid the poster. Here is a modern Filipina in her modern Filipiñana that is associated with the Filipino flag. To show off uniqueness, I also made her makeup similar to the color of the flags. This symbolizes Filipinos shown through color. Blue for peaceful, kind, clean, and calmness. Red is for bravery, fierceness, protection,...