✿ Elements of Principle and Design: Week 3 - MMA banner ✿

H E L L O!

    Here's my artwork for the third week of Elements of Principle and Design~ On this week, we were supposed to do a banner for MMA again, but this time, the main element is lines or shapes!

    Before I tell you all about this week's post, I'll tell you what materials I used. As always, I used my A50 VEIKK graphic tablet and the software called Paint Tool SAI version 2. Here are my works:

    As you can see, I used the same color palette twice. This is because I wanted to achieve a simple yet eye catching impact. I used a simple and minimalistic art style for this week to explore and discover new ways to draw or create art works. I always try to be flexible! Same with last week, I only used about four to five colors, all contrasting from the light background color.

    I also applied things that I learned from my teacher. In the videos that she showed us, lines can have many forms, such as angular, smooth, dashed, dotted, curvy, diagonal, and more! Applying that, I mainly used squiggly, smooth, and curvy lines. This is for the purpose of having a soft, elegant, and welcoming feel. It's not harsh to look at but still eye capturing, isn't it?

    Aside from the lines, we also watched a video about shapes. So I used a lot of circles since it also perceives a bouncy, nice, and comfortable, or even safe, feeling. In the second example, I used arrows, which gives contrast to the circles for that impact that makes your eyes look directly at them. But then you, as the viewer, notice that they are arrows and they're pointing somewhere, on the right. There is an illustration and some text, so I used the purpose of diagonal lines, turned them into arrows, and made you, the audience, look at the information and the illustration. I used it pretty well, I'm quite proud :>

    Now, let's talk about the principles I used within Typography.

  HIERARCHY - Notice how I always put the "come join us in MULTIMEDIA ARTS!" part at the top? This is because I want you to see what the banner is all about. It's about show casing what MMA students and artists can do, and this is just the surface. Below that, I included what is done within the MMA course. There was too many, and just to peak my audience's curiosity, I included "anything related to art!" because - MMA literally is for all artists, hence the name , MULTI (many) MEDIA (can be any from of medium), ART (well, art!). I included a mini persevering quote to enhance the feel of welcoming new people.

   SIZE - I made sure that the sizes were all good enough to fit the banner and made sure they didn't touch each other or any other element I had drawn. This gives emphasis to space and gives importance to neatness and clarity. The bigger the text was - the more important it was.

  COLOR - In concern with contrast, I made the color of the text darker, the same color of the illustrations. This gives a familiarity thought for viewers, it applies recognition and keeps the same color palette of the entire banner. Otherwise, because of its dark color, it stands out too.

    FONT - The font I used was a serif font, I used it because it gives the feeling of fanciness and formality. This is what I wanted to convey, I wanted to show people that MMA includes culture, hardwork, patience, discipline, yet fun so I made certain words bold. 

    On to the principles of Composition or Design!

    BALANCE - The balance is overall good in my opinion. I had my work get evaluated by a few friends and my boyfriend. I also asked Mark Loy Sanchez, my close classmate, and they all said that it was a good example of balance within a banner. My boyfriend commented; It has elements on both left and right, texts on top and bottom, yet doesn't feel overloaded and crowded. Mark also said that it's pleasing to the eyes.

    HARMONY - With the use of similar aspects, elements, and assets, I think I achieved the harmony aspect well. As you can see, I kept the same art style overall, simple lines, shapes, and even colors. It is visually pleasing. 

    UNITY - Achieving unity was quite easy when I had a concept in mind. Unity is when the peace comes together and delivers a message. The combination of text and the drawings are enough to deliver the idea and the message. They come together and build an image that isn't harsh and delivers.

    CONTRAST - Like I said, the colors are well combined together. My background was light and the colors of the circles are in the medium tones. The darkest colors are the text and the illustrations, which are the main point of the banner. By making them darker than the rest, it gives emphasis on my banner's purpose.

    VARIETY - Using the same theme of elements with the same idea; smooth, soft, caring, gentle, they build a good image. The use of elements are in one family, which doesn't overload the general aspect of the banner, but it doesn't look boring too. I avoided making the banner boring by putting different colors of contrast on the circles. If you take it away, it looks incredibly dull, so by adding the circles, it gives the banner personality.

    PATTERN - I followed a random pattern to lay out the circles. For the arrows, I had the traffic-like looking arrows you see on walls or roads, which applies direction. The random pattern I had in mind wasn't actually random though, I planned it out, made sure the colors of each circle didn't overlap but instead popped out, more so by being next to each other.

    RHYTHM - This is mainly found in my shapes, the use of the circles feel as if they are going right. Then the arrows go right too since they point in that direction, naturally one would see them going right. The rhythm I built for direction also applies a bit on my illustration. The squiggly lines start at one point and then continue to flow on to create a picture.

    Overall, I honestly found it difficult to think of an idea to use for this week's entry. However, inspiration struck me at 11 pm and I had to get to work before I lose it  or forgot the concept. I'm glad I did it though since I work best during the night. Anyway, thank you for viewing my blog again! I hope you enjoyed looking around in my online portfolio. If you have any questions and comments, please do leave them below~ Let's keep filling the world up with art and spread positivity. Thank you so much!


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