
FOURTH YEAR MIDTERMS - Portfolio and Exhibit

  Real eyes realize real lies " Take time to realize...     that I am on your side,    Didn't I, didn't I tell you?    But I can't spell it out for you,    No, it's never gonna be that simple.    No, I can't spell it out for you.    If you just realize what I just realized,    Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'd never find another,    Just realize what I just realized,   We'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other, now. "           -  Colbie Caillat, Realize, 2007.      The title of this piece is called "Real eyes realize real lies." It is a Dreamscape themed photography, where there is an interaction of reality and fantasy. Due to this, major photo editing was done. The title and the photo were inspired by the song "Realize" by Colbie Caillat that was released in 2007. People say that the eyes are the windows of the human soul and that quotation has resonated with me as it reminded me of the song.   

ArtByNina S3, EP 6 - HUMSS Week:

  HUMSS WEEK REFLECTION: "HUMSS Week-  The long awaited event!" _____________________________________________________________        On February 15, 2023, it was the start of the HUMSS week event. It was a celebration dedicated to the department of HUMSS and its other branches. We were assigned to make a reflection out of it and its seminars, below is my work: Documentations for the HUMSS week:      I'm looking forward to more events such as this since this reminds me of the previous school years before the pandemic hit. Have a good day, everyone!


DIGITAL ARTS: LEARN ALL ABOUT IT IN OUR WEBSITE! -  MMA Education site and tutorial _____________________________________________________________         For our finals in the first semester of our 3rd year in college, we have something for you! For those who are trying to improve or learn new things in Digital Arts, we got you! This is designed for anybody of all ages to use and gain something.        Click here to check out the website!                                                Click here to check out the video!       We guarantee you will learn a lot from our video and our site so come check it out! About the process:      The group has compiled credible information and researched thoroughly to help everyone in improving their digital arts and learning something new. In creating the website and the video, we kept in mind the principles we have learned to ensure that there will be effective learning.  -- MEMBERS (in alphabetical order) : DIAZ, Chantal DIZON, Ken DOCTORE, Jalen G


  ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS: Reflection about the seminar -  Learning Activity Quiz _____________________________________________________________         The recent two-day online seminar has given me a lot of insights. The topic was all about video editing and how to be efficient with yourself as an artist. We also tackled about the difference in an artist and a designer in a professional term. They have shared their learnings in hopes that we can all gain something from the first day.      In the second day, I found the webinar more interesting. One of the main highlights for me was the question and answer portion. I gained a lot from listening to someone who has more experience than me, especially in a work environment. Someone asked what are the proper rates for their outputs and the speaker said "don't base it off your hours, base it off of your final output" . This is something that I have heard of before from an international seminar. By basing your income on a timely ma

ArtByNina S3, EP 3 - Reflection Writing Contest (REQUIREMENT)

ALTERNATIVE LEARNING: Web pages for a modern use  - Reflection Writing Contest _____________________________________________________________         This is my entry for the reflection writing contest for the CASED Department's event. The topic was about web pages and interface designs being used for multimedia learning, but I chose to focus on learning in general.   proof of book borrowing: the work:


LEARN SOME BASIC COLORING WITH SOME ENHYPEN FANART - 1 PAGE GRAPHIC LEARNING MATERIAL _____________________________________________________________         A lot of people have been praising my art style or coloring style when it comes to my artworks. Honestly, I don't see what you guys like about it but  I'll share with you guys how I color in the briefest way possible.      In the way I color, it's a little tricky to explain but it will make sense, I promise. I use a technique where I put a solid color for the base, which will help the final output of the artwork become more cleaner and neater. DISCLAIMER : This tutorial is beginner friendly but not for exactly beginners. It's more of a showcase of technique for others to learn how I color, should they want to.       Here is my Graphic design for the technique I use to color my digital artworks: Graphic one-page e-learning submission      Other than the content itself, you guessed it, this is a submission for my subje


PUBLIC, PRIVATE? IS THAT A DOMAIN TOO? Yes but there's a 3 new ones you got to know about! - INFOGRAPHICS OF 3 LEARNING DOMAINS _____________________________________________________________         It's pretty much imprinted in our minds that sometimes the heart does not agree with the mind, and sometimes, even the body fights with them too. This has been a topic for many years and now, we're here to discuss it.      There are three (3) domains of learning. One aspect is all about knowledge and the act of thinking, that domain is called COGNITIVE.  Another domain is about feelings and emotions, it's all about what the heart wants, this one is called AFFECTIVE . Finally, the last domain contains skills and physical action, which is called PSYCHOMOTOR .       If you were from my school, it would be something you might be familiar with just because of the university's hymn. " Training the mind and the heart, and the hand ." Indeed, it's probably hinting t