
Showing posts from May, 2024

FOURTH YEAR MIDTERMS - Portfolio and Exhibit

  Real eyes realize real lies " Take time to realize...     that I am on your side,    Didn't I, didn't I tell you?    But I can't spell it out for you,    No, it's never gonna be that simple.    No, I can't spell it out for you.    If you just realize what I just realized,    Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'd never find another,    Just realize what I just realized,   We'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other, now. "           -  Colbie Caillat, Realize, 2007.      The title of this piece is called "Real eyes realize real lies." It is a Dreamscape themed photography, where there is an interaction of reality and fantasy. Due to this, major photo editing was done. The title and the photo were inspired by the song "Realize" by Colbie Caillat that was released in 2007. People say that the eyes are the windows of the human soul and that quotation has resonated with me as it reminded me of the song.